June 13, 2020: Note from Brad

It’s been a painful time. I haven’t been able to get back to the U.S. since the Covid-19 virus closed everything down. I’ve made a wonderful life with my family here in Holland, but have had to watch the country of my origin, the country I still love, in turmoil. Since the senseless murder of George Floyd, I’ve been reflecting on what it might mean for me on how to be an “anti-racist”. It’s a term that Ibram X. Kendi in his book of the same title. He’s explaining that neutrality, or a “non-racist”, stance is not the opposite of racism. The opposite of racist is “anti-racist.” I feel like we’re at a time in American society, and in the whole world, where we can’t say we’re that we’re neutral. So I’m reflecting on what it might mean for me to be an anti-racist, and I know I’ve got some things to learn. 

I’m so sorry for the family and loved ones of George Floyd, and also those of Breonna Taylor and David McAtee, recently. There are many more victims. I said I love my country, and what I mean is: I wish well for everybody there, from all backgrounds - people of color, white, liberal conservative, and every other stripe. I do not love only certain parts of it. The music I make has to do with an African-American experience that I’ve been privileged to draw from. It’s a unique, beautiful experience that’s precious to me and many other people everywhere - not just in America. It’s spread across the world to places like here in Amsterdam where I live, to the wonderful musicians who are from here; and many other places. It has its genesis though in a group of people who have been disenfranchised and marginalized for years, and recently, as the world has seen, slain by the people paid to protect them. This is one long tragedy that spans back through America’s history.

This record was due to come out last week, but in light of the horrible events that took place, we decided to wait. I still feel trepidation about releasing a record now, but I would ask anybody who does have the time and interest: have a look at the video that explains about the project, because I still believe in the idea behind it, and there’s a lot of great people who have come together to do something special here that might help others. God knows there are a lot of us who need some help right now. 

– Thanks everyone, Brad


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